
What Job Should You Really Have? Take This 25-Question Aptitude Test To Find Out


  1. STEP 1: Rate your interest in the following subjects: How do you feel about art and music?

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  2. Business and entrepreneurship?

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  3. Education and law?

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  4. Science and technology?

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  5. Travel and hospitality?

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  6. STEP 2: Rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements: "I love working with numbers and data."

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  7. "I want to change the world and help others."

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  8. "I want to be a leader and supervise others."

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  9. "I'd rather be working with my hands than sitting at a desk."

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  10. "Money is more important to me than the actual work."

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  11. STEP 3: Rate your interest in learning about the following topics: Food and agriculture?

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  12. Animals and the environment?

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  13. Nonprofits and politics?

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  14. Psychology and marketing?

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  15. Technology and media?

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  16. Step 4: Rate how much these traits align with your personality and work ethic: Creative?

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  17. Thoughtful?

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  18. Assertive?

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  19. Passionate?

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  20. Strategic?

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  21. STEP 5: Rate how important these values are to you: Growth?

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  22. Recognition from others?

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  23. Independence?

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  24. Relationships?

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  25. And finally, work-life balance?

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